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Horseback Riding
" If you’re a horse, and someone gets on you, and falls off, and then gets right back on you, I think you should buck him off right away."-Jack Handey
Well I have been riding now for about 7 ½ years and it is what I love most. I started out when I was just a little thing, maybe three years old, when I would go for pony rides on my friend’s [Chloe] pony named Duffy and a horse named Willy at her grandparents’ farm. Now, years later, I’m riding twice a week and I have earned my level 1 and 2 CEF certification and I will be working on my level 3. I have worked for a year with a beautiful thouroughbred/Arab mare named Asha a.k.a Ben’s Flame and I’ll always love that gal. I also enjoy riding a handsome Warmblood named Balti, he’s such a sweetie. But right now my new projects are schooling a horse named Kally and training a pony [he's part miniature] named, now get this : Tango. Adorable? I think so. I love jumpin’ high high high courses because the feeling of power and freedom is unbelievable. Jumping’s also fun with now hands, no stirrups, with your eyes closed or with no saddle. Bareback riding is awsome and I live for getting a horse round. I don’t just ride at the barn though, I worked there for a year as a Hall Monitor and Assistant Coach. I coached and taught students to ride and care for their horses. I was responsible for the first aid of the horses, the upkeep of the barn and equipment, mucking stalls, hauling water, safety and helping anyone who needs it. I was always there to answer any questions and solve any problem. Last winter I got to be on t.v for a morning show that was broadcasting from the barn and it was such a great experience. Riding is so great even when you do fall off. My two most memorable falls were when I was riding Sonny and we were approaching a vertical at a canter and then he just stopped in front of the jump. Well I did a cool somersault over his head and landed on the wooden jump. But my worst fall of all time was when I was riding Asha and she ran out on a jump. I flipped over her shoulder and landed completely on my head. All I could hear was the snap crackle pop of all the joints in my neck and back. I bruised my tailbone, chest, nose, chin and landed myself in a neck brace for a week. Yes, a neck brace. And if you ever wanna see one of my falls, I have one on tape, all ya have ta do is ask. But falling comes with the riding package, so I take it is stride. And for all you guys who thinks riding isn’t exercise, DON"T EVEN GET ME STARTED BECAUSE IT IS!!!!!! Anyway, ladeedadeeda check out these horse pics. But before you do here’s a shout out to my party squad at the barn : Sara, Kyla and Rebecca we will all go so far together and we know it. There are so many more barn babes, and I haven’t forgotten you, just check out the friends section, you’re all there. Now for some pics…..
Asha and I jumping a little 2'9" vertical, nice butt shot huh? Yay, this was a fun lesson. We jumped a 3'3" course and even though I fell off when Asha spooked it was all worth it. Oh look, there's Sara on the left talking to Kyla and Kimberly's on Shanty. Rebecca I know you're back there somewhere.